Is Soccer a Contact Sport? Explained in Detail

Posted: marzo 17, 2025 By:

This is Royal Shrovetide — a centuries-old ball game played in Ashbourne, Derbyshire, that, frankly, looks nothing like the world’s most popular sport. ASHBOURNE, England (AP) — This ancient form of soccer has a rule forbidding players from murdering each other. The cumulative effect of physical contact throughout a game significantly impacts the final outcome.

In these sports, contact between players will be inevitable, so can all be classed as contact sports. The differentiator is the amount, and type of contact that is deemed legal. Non Contact sports are those in which there is minimal to no physical interaction between players and there is more focus on individual performance rather than direct confrontation with opponents. Examples of non contact sports include ping pong, go to the website tennis, swimming, and track and field.

Is Soccer A Contact Sport? Full Answer with Video

Footy season is here and the AFL will be implementing new concussion guidelines which will make it easier for players to be removed from the field if they are suspected of a head injury. The level of permitted physical contact varies significantly across different sports. The following table illustrates this difference by comparing football with other popular sports.

  • Sports receive an exemption from income tax if, under section of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997, a club or association encourages or promotes a game or sport.
  • Fairs are when players accidentally bump into each other or accidentally step on each other’s feet.
  • These sports, like football and rugby, involve direct player interaction, fostering a dynamic atmosphere.
  • Equally, the player having the ball should not initiate any form of contact and if he/she does, the player should be punished by the referee accordingly for having initiated an illegal charge.
  • Although most possessions involve physical contact through tackling, shielding, or jostling, several minutes can go by in a game without any major contact between players.
  • As a former youth coach and soccer parent, he shares insights on player development, recruiting, and the ever-evolving soccer scene in the U.S.

Shoulder charge

is soccer a contact sport

In contrast, consider a play where the quarterback throws a short, quick pass to a wide receiver. The receiver makes a clean catch with minimal interference from the defensive back. The receiver immediately turns upfield, using his speed and agility to gain additional yardage before being tackled. The following examples demonstrate the wide spectrum of physical contact in American football, ranging from the expected and integral to the illegal and penalized. Tackling is an equally important aspect of the defensive side of the game. The objective is to bring down the ball carrier, preventing them from advancing further down the field.

What is Accidental Contact in Soccer?

is soccer a contact sport

A foul occurs when you use your hands or arms to make contact with another player or referee. The referee will use his power based on judgment to determine the degree of the penalties to be applied. The penalties could include awarding a direct-free kick, a yellow card or both. In serious cases, the referee may issue a red card which means subsequent sending-off of the player in addition to the free-kick. It is also imperative to note that “making oneself big” or simply shielding the ball away from the opponent is another legitimate technique of shoulder-to-shoulder challenge. However, the player shielding the ball is not allowed to use his arms or any other part of the body other than for balance purposes.

Examples of non-contact sports include golf, tennis, swimming, and bowling. Another way that injuries can happen is from player-to-ground contact, which is the case for tripping and pushing. Rarely do injuries happen from the contact between players, but more from the victim coming into contact with the not-so-forgiving ground.



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